Homeowner's Insurance For House Flippers: How To Make Sure You're Always Covered
Flipping houses can be fast and even easy money if you know what you’re doing, but one aspect of the business that often catches these renovating entrepreneurs off guard is insurance. It’s a home, so you need coverage, but it’s not really yours to live in, so what’s a confused flipper to do? Here’s the lowdown on homeowner’s insurance for the temporary homeowner: Why Homeowner’s Insurance Is Important For House Flippers
3 Extra Types Of Auto Insurance You Should Consider Keeping On Your Policy
If you just made the last payment on your car, you will no longer be required to have full-coverage insurance on the vehicle. If you want to save money, you may decide to change your policy by getting rid of some of the coverage. While this would help you save money, you might still want to keep these three extra types of coverage on your policy for protection. Emergency Roadside Services
To Opt In Or Not To Opt In: 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Signing Up For Group Insurance
After finding new employment, you’ll normally be pleasantly surprised to find that the company you’re working for offers group insurance to their employees. The group insurance normally includes medical and dental coverage, and most employees do choose to opt in. However, if you already have medical and dental insurance of your own, comparing the terms and conditions involved with opting in with the group insurance with the type of coverage and policy you already have is vital in making an informed decision.
Three Ways To Avoid Paying Too Much On Car Insurance
Are you afraid of increasing auto insurance rates? If you want to avoid paying more than you should, then there are a few things you will want to consider before you process a claim or fail to take advantage of saving opportunities. Whether you already have an insurance policy or plan on buying a new one, there are a few ways that you can keep your rates low and avoid having them increase over the years.